New and one of a kind plants that you’ll love!

Coming Soon!

Out of stock

Penis Cactus


Euphorbia Obesa

$20.00 $15.00
Out of stock

Aloinopsis Schooneesii 🌱


Variegated string of heartso

$14.00 $9.00

Hoodia gordonii


Avonia Quintana


2” rainbow collection

From  $20.00

Karoo Rose


Agave isthmensis 'Ohi Raijin Fukurin Nishiki'


Haworthia cooperii

Out of stock

My mind on Tradescandia


Melocactus matanzanus


Echeveria Blue Atoll I


Crassula Garnet Lotus


String of pearls


Hoodia gordonii

From  $26.00
Out of stock

Crested succulent set


Haworthia Truncata x maughanii


Haworthia Truncata


Crested Mammilaria


Crested Echeveria Blue Atoll


Pink Lola


6” PVN


Variegated Aloe Nobilis
